Home Forums Gauntleteers 2022 Third Challenge

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  • #79934

    Steven Lugo

    Third Challenge: “In the Beginning”

    Every story starts somewhere. In our own quests across literature, we’ve read a thousand fine first chapters. But sometimes there’s a taste of a story that comes before. Where will it lead us, how will it affect the narrative overall, and should prologues even exist in the first place?

    Keep this all in mind when you face the next challenge:

    Your next challenge is to review the prologue of PUNARBHAVA: Rise of the Legend of Panini – the Yogi Warrior. It comes to us from author Ashutosh Jain and is available here.

    Apart from your analysis of the plot beginnings and characters, we’d like to know your honest opinion of the piece. Ask all of the relevant prologue questions, including our favorite: should this prologue exist, or can the story stand on its own?

    We are asking you to read the prologue, and to go no further. You can make predictions of the novel, and we even encourage you to, just be aware that this is a prologue review, and not a book review.

    This is a one-week challenge. As always, send us any questions you may have.

    Submit your review by Wednesday, Nov. 2 @ 10PM EST.

    Good luck.


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